Oh, sigh. I haven't kept up with this dang ol' blog like I said I would. I said I'd use Facebook less and write here more and I haven't. Can I have a do-over? I want to try to work on this more in the new year.
A friend of mine said this today on and about Facebook, "So what's the long-term plan here? Do we keep posting updates, witticisms, and links to videos for the next 60 years?"
He usually has very thoughtful, out of the blue remarks like this that make you think. It made me think. I guess technology makes anyone think about how long it can really endure. The thing with this social media stuff is that everyone wants to be important, and it's so easy to be the center of attention... for the duration of time until more people also want their center of attention and it pushes your precious news away. Thing is, there's only one center :•) and we can't all have it. I think I've discovered that Facebook makes people too self reflective and self centered, the ones that use it too much like myself. I think it's better to have humility. Facebook makes it almost impossible to be humble.
The other thing is, do we ALL really need to be so connected? I think about who I actually chat, phone, or visit in person the most. Do these people matter or mean more than everyone else? It's a good question, and it's hard to feel like you're being exclusive. If I were to answer that though, I would say Yes, those people do mean more to me, because they reciprocate the closer connection initiative. New people can join the initiative too, of course.
Anyway here is my honest attempt, people. I'm going to start thinking and writing about my life rather than segmenting it in short meaningless instances that drown amongst other people's cries for attention. I won't remove myself totally from the Face of the book. Only big news, I think, will be re-shared there.. and I'll keep up my one•little•m page, because that helps business for me :•)
Okay now! I wrote this down, so now it has to happen. Lemme just go tell Facebook I'm going on hiatus ha. Baby steps...