Sunday, June 15, 2008

Play Date

I spent the afternoon with a talkative 6 year old, in what amounted to be about an hour worth of a play date. The VanPeborghs invited me over for lunch, which lead to Mia telling me all of her experiences as a kindergardener and her expectations for first grade, aside from non related bits about inch worms and lady bugs that she caught. She also showed me a video her friend's mother put together of a production of the Little Mermaid. Oh man. These people live in Knoxville and have a Jane Austen garden, and an elaborate outdoor theater for plays, among other things. Apparently the girl's parents are a carpenter and an artist. Anyway, Mia was the Little Mermaid, and she is actually a pretty amazing actress and singer, and I told her I thought so. She also played Ode to Joy for me on the piano, and told me that she has decided to be an artist when she grows up. I told her I was also an artist as I am "grown up" and that it's pretty fun. She smiled.

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