Monday, July 20, 2009


People have been putting daylight savings to practice since ancient times. If such an invention was established for making life easier whether for work or for play, then why can't we make Fridays part of the non-work days of a weekend.. so we can have 3-day weekends? I think Americans are too busy as it is, and we need to lighten up! There are other cultures who know how to manage their time so that they're not feeling over-worked every week. Why can't we adapt this too?

I personally would be a huge advocate. Friday nights for us are sometimes still just winding down from the work day. Saturday is really our only full day to do anything useful or recreational. Sundays are busy until about 2pm.. and by then one or both of us are tired from setting up church in the morning... and when we come back around to having energy after a nap, it's late.. and things just don't happen on Sunday nights because places are closed.

I guess I can understand companies "needing" all the days of the week they have already for work.. so what if we just added a day of the week to make weekends longer?

I did some math on this:

If we add an extra day of the week before Saturday, let's call it Fratterday.. then with 8 days a week, each month would need 31 days, except for 1 month which would need 24 to keep the 365 days a year cycle accurate. Since February already gets the shaft, it can get 24 days now:

Sounds doable to me! And it almost sounds crazy enough to be something Obama would approve, ha. Maybe we can get him to do 1 useful thing during his term.. and it'd be adding Fratterday to the week. Woo! I'm using my Fratterday to go hang gliding!


  1. Then the Beatles song would be more accurate, too... Tom's company just instituted work/life balance days, where the employees get every other Friday off. They used to do it only in the summer, but now it's all year round. Hooray for Tom! Wish the schools would do that...

  2. Wow, what a brilliant idea! Are you sure this isn't messing with the cosmic balance of time and space? The calendar was created based on cosmic movement you know. That'd be awesome to add another day to the week. I think you should email Obama. He has a Linked In account. I'm emailing him already about making junk food more expensive and health food less expensive.
